Using the ten beholder eyes, we enter a sealed room and fight a beholder! It’s super easy and really fun. We find the skeleton afterwards.

Fourth Floor

A new plaque!

Death to fire, dine or drown, precious air, and falling sand. The army sleeps in silence. The mirror holds twelve. Find the iron scepter’s twin. The maze holds the key.

Morgan gets trapped inside a mirror realm after looking at her reflection. There’s a symbol of a d12 in the frame of the mirror, and the words “Blackfire” and “Komara”.

Smashing the mirror releases everyone inside. They quickly start fighting each other, and Locke encases them in a Wall of Stone. Brysh is displeased because the humanoids were open to peaceful negotiations.

Wandering elsewhere, Morgan finds a pit of acid and a maze-like shrine to Unkh. We slaughter a ton of minotaur skeletons. Morgan accepts Unkh into her mind and gets a Con of 23!

Brysh puts each corresponding coin in the copper, silver, gold, and platinum statue.

There’s an “optional” trap room with fire, and Withers announces that the party needs to get in or stay out. Locke jumps in knowing he can teleport back out. The rest of the party stays inside and lava falls. After solving a few quick puzzles, the party (minus Locke) ends up in a hidden room filled with terracotta warriors. As long as the party stays quiet, the warriors don’t attack.

Warm like flame Cold for the cruel Still for the dead Gruel for the ghoul

We find a bunch of undead painters who are making murals of our misadventures in the tomb. There’s a skeleton key and an iron scepter. In a secret room within, we find the sarcophagus of a queen of Ubtau. She has a gold mask, iron scepter (twin scepters!) and jewels.

In the clock room, we stop the grandfather clock and find an ornate gem in the shape of an egg.

Finally we use a hint scroll, and while talking to the hint illusion Locke puts on the neckless of fireball. It explodes and everyone gets hit real hard. Acererak laughs and helps us open the door.

We level up to 12th level!