The party finds some giant snails soaking on the mech. Locke Hancock tries to scare it away, but they try to fight the party instead. He nearly dies in the fight.

“Locke you look like shit” - Xandala Cimber

Brysh was blinded by her cursed Veil of Uluu Thalongh because she harmed the nature snails. She’s very angry at Locke for angering the snails, and he’s angry she doesn’t take responsibility for her actions (in regards to the veil).

“Reporting. Was able to pass trials. Got location of Soul Mongerer. At Omu 90 km south 30 east, 100 below other questions follow.” - Ash via Sending Stone

“Return to Port Nyanzaru, Thundering Lizard. Re-evaluating distribution of forces and priorities. I have questions for you.” - Valindra Cimber to Ash via Sending Stone Reply.

Locke pilots the slimy mech, and after a few hours they make camp.

During Brysh’s watch, she bludgeons a small raptor-like dinosaur to death. Locke and Morgan take great issue with this excessive killing. Morgan teaches Xandala Cimber a Tabaxi prayer to say after a hunt.

Ash brings up that the party could just beeline for Omu. After a lot of arguing, they decide to instead continue to Port Nyanzaru and get a ship.