We figure out the skeleton puzzle, kill a bunch of bone men, and get some gold. We also find a hidden room attached to it with weird purple goo.
We return to the strange coffin room and trigger the trap, but beforehand Brysh uses an immovable rod to prevent the door from closing. Wine Weirds attack us and try to drown us in an inch of wine!
On the second level, we find some tomb guards attached by a chain. They seem to be what we saw through the water last session. After killing them we find the Omu court jester Yaka, who’s now a gold skull with human eyes.
Next we reach the shrine of Kubazan. Locke is quite excited, but he’s unable to appease Kubazan. Sylvos gets turned into a frog and wraiths attack. Locke “accidentally” casts Forget on himself causing him to frog-et about the frog.
We take a short rest inside Brysh’s urn for the first time. Inside there’s an ooze man named Glurk who’s her “employee”.