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Interrogation of Researcher Rodvan
- He’s an evoker
- He brought his apprentice with him, but he’s not that effective yet.
- Heading to meet the dead Red Wizard Brian at the Statue of Man and Crocodile
- He’s the one who left “Save Me Shadowmantle”
- Shadow Mantle strikes fear into him, and seems to be his boss.
- Thay is a cut throat workplace driven by research.
- He achieved a rank of researcher, and murder is a good way to promotion
- You have to be evil to rise the ranks
- Shadow Mantle and the Thay is looking for an artifact called the Soul Mongerer.
- A theoretical necromantic device
- Book of vial darkness (Locke has heard about it)
- Designed to syphon souls out of the astral sea
- It’s effects look a lot like the death curse.
- To learn more, ask the shadow mantle
- Third in line in power in all of Thay
- He’s on the earth mote floating in the sky
- “Heart of Ubtao”
- 50 ft wide
- 200 ft up the ground
- Iron core gives the appeance of bleeding roots.
- Shadow mantle is a SHE!
- We agreed not to tell anyone where this info came from, and not to involve the apprentice.
- Mezro is a point of interest, and he didn’t know about Ozymandius’s expedition to Mezro. Mezro is the largests
- Points of interest: hanging gardens on river Olong, Camp Righteous, red dragon?