In the morning, everyone was shocked to see Brysh roughly two feet taller.

Locke Hancock compared Brysh’s transformation to that of a bananafly.

While boating to the Heart of Ubtao, the party was attacked by a group of plesiosaurus’. Brysh and Ellias got pulled under water, and they nearly died before Locke Hancock and Xandela saved them.

During the evening, Locke and Rodvan chat about magic, bouncing lightning bolts off walls, and war tactics. Locke reveals he enlisted in a war once, but doesn’t wish to do it again.

Arriving at the Heart of Ubtao, they meet Valindra Cimber who looks an awful lot like Valindra. Xandala Cimber acknoledges this and says “sssSister?“. Alexander called it last session when Rodvan was shocked to see Xandala Cimber.