We meet back up with the Cimbers.
- Morgan got the cube of Papazotl from Ras Nsi
- Morgan got the cube of Wongo after saving us
- Brysh has the Shagambi and Kubazan cubes from previous tombs.
- Artus retrieved the cube of I’jin and gave it to Brysh
- Ras Nsi is guarding one more
We head towards a flooded shrine and annihilate some red wizards outside. Imbok helps us communicate with the Gruung. Locke kills the apprentice wizards as they run. Yorb their golden leader tries to communicate, and Locke does an impressive smoke dance. We got our 6th cube!
At the Unkh shrine, we see lots of evidence of Red Wizards getting in. It also seems like they got the Moa shrine. Ras Nsi must have the Obo’laka cube.
Valindra get smarted again, and comments that she’s no longer attuned to her robes and doesn’t have meteor swarm prepared anymore. Locke asks for a list of “chores” for next time. We then head on in to Ras Nsi’s lair.
Locke flirts a fair bit with a snake lady Fenthaza. Ras Nsi demands Morgan’s full allegiance, and he keeps using wordplay to try and get out of it. After a lot of negotiation of Ras Nsi is proposing we sacrifice Xandala, but the rest of the group thinks sacrificing Ras Nsi makes the most sense.